One of the first things I studied on Pluralsight was Nginx and PHP Fundamentals so I could make sure the server to this site was functioning properly. The original Nginx configuration I had was not working with the latest CentOS 8. Last time I had this setup was in CentOS 7 so something had changed. Back then I had compiled PHP from scratch to fix the issue I had. CentOS 8 has php-fpm by default so I was able to get this running a lot more quickly. The first instruction on Pluralsight that made learning the layout of Nginx a lot easier for me, was to delete the entire contents of the default configuration file. Once I had done this, I started to realize exactly where a couple of my lines had been misplaced over all of the many YouTube tutorials I had watched before. My security header grade went from an F to a B, much better. I need to configure a couple more security headers to get my A there, one thing at a time, I’ll circle back to that later.